Author Joe Buonfiglio is a Slipstream writer, humorist & “Literary Absurdist,” as well as a certified Karma Extractor (on-call Nihilist evacuations on demand). Sure he has OCD; but man, do his toilets shine!
Wait. That’s his Twitter-account bio.
Anyway, writer Joe Buonfiglio loves penguins (quite literally) … and cheese spread … often at the same time. Oh, and his best friend is a caramelized onion named Silvia. That’s probably important to know about him. If you’re weird enough to want to experience more of his locker-room intelligentsia laced with the tears of polite society, go to his Twitter page @JoeBuonfiglio, or skim through the archives of his often dark and always strange Absurdist-humor blog “Potpourri of the Damned” at JoeBuonfiglio.com. Scripts are sold on InkTip.com. His weird Theatre of the Absurd book, “THE POST-APOCALYPTIC DINING GUIDE: An End-of-Days Search for American Haute Cuisine and the Meaning of Human Existence” is currently selling on Amazon.com. That’s enough with the dot-coms. We now return you to the “Gardening with Toilet Duck” program.
Are you still here?
What the hell is wrong with you?
You’re not going away, are you?
Look, Joe’s literary fare usually has a goal of both amusement and bemusement, but he makes no promises. His style of craft has been called “ribald academia,” “locker-room intelligentsia laced with the tears of polite society” and even “the nasty Douglas Adams.” (He’s not quite sure how Douglas Adams would feel about that last one, but he’s dead, so fuck it.) Joe tends to author tales in the Slipstream genre, but he’ll run the gamut from unusual to strange to absurdist to outright Bizarro. So dive into his books or his big blog-burrito at JoeBuonfiglio.com and take a bite. It’ll burn a little, but you might as well get the literary trots there as anyplace else.
Oh yeah, you can probably expect something he writes to offend you in some manner at least once if you “follow” him long enough. His roach coach d’literati was just rated “MA” by the Library of Congress health inspector, so insect- and rodent-droppings are just a given.
Aaaaaaand, you’re still here.
Okay, you want the straight scoop. Well, somewhere between Sci-Fi/Fantasy and outright Bizarro, Slipstream Absurdist-Humor author Joe Buonfiglio lurks in the shadows waiting to strike. He’s that anomalous laughter coming from the back of your uncle’s funeral wake. Joe’s worldview melds into his writing; he embraces the random chaos of the universe that manifests in a type of humor that lampoons anyone or anything even attempting to create some semblance of order from it all. If there is any Intelligence behind the Design, Joe is fairly certain It’s gone completely mad. An award-winning journalist and commentary writer, you’ll find you are laughing at the literary tapestry he weaves, and yet, at the same time, ashamed of yourself for having done so.
So if you’re looking for some sort of credits roll here, just again consider that Buonfiglio is author of the absurdist novel “THE POST-APOCALYPTIC DINING GUIDE: An End-of-Days Search for American Haute Cuisine and the Meaning of Human Existence” (now selling on Amazon.com), an award-winning journalist and an Absurdist/Slipstream-genre writer currently based in “The Dirty South.” His experience includes: the “Potpourri of the Damned” blog site accessible via www.JoeBuonfiglio.com (along with his absurdist Twitter site https://twitter.com/JoeBuonfiglio); a screenplay that was a semifinalist in the AAA Screenplay Contest; co-creator of the Theatre of the Absurd radio show “The Entropy Hour” that achieved national airing as part of “The Radio Works” series out of NYC; winner of the Society of Professional Journalists’ award of excellence, outstanding achievement and honorable mention awards (regional); publication in numerous newspapers and magazines over the years, from news features and columns to commentary and absurdist-humor pieces; Director of Marketing and voiceover talent (radio/TV spots) for The Hippodrome, one of Florida’s preeminent “official” state theaters (with stage and cinema components), as well as in a number of Florida shopping centers; and winner of a grant-award for the creation of a short-stories compilation. He has appeared onstage at DSI (the Dirty South Comedy Theater in North Carolina) as a guest storyteller and has written lyrics for the absurdist-satire UK group Unintentional Martyrs. In both print and broadcast mediums, Joe has gained a reputation as a craftsman in the art of literary absurdity and offbeat humor.
And NOW if you’re still here, that’s on you. I’ve downed one too many Irish whiskeys to hold your hand through this Absurdist’s curriculum vitae any longer.